MS Word All Shortcut Keys in Hindi

Microsoft Word All Shortcut Keys in Hindi

Microsoft Word या MS Word को वे सभी लोग बहुत अच्छे से जानते होंगे जो कंप्यूटर को Office के काम के लिए इस्तेमाल करते हैं। 

जो कंप्यूटर को चलाने वाले नए लोग हैं उन्हें Microsoft Word की सभी Shortcut Keys को जानने से पहले ये जानना बहुत जरूरी है कि MS Word क्या है? तो आइए नीचे जानते हैं कि MS Word क्या हैं?

MS Word क्या हैं?

MS Word या Microsoft Word एक सॉफ्टवेयर हैं, जो Microsoft Corporation के द्वारा विभिन्न Version में बनाया गया है। यह MS Office का ही एक हिस्सा हैं। 

यह Application विभिन्न प्रकार की Template और Formating के साथ बहुत अच्छे शानदार Documents बनाने के काम आती है। 

जैसे कि आपको पता है कि हमारी Basic ICT Skills and Shortcut Keys of Computer की सीरीज चल रही है। जिसका उद्देश्य आपको कंप्यूटर एक्सपर्ट बनाना है। ये इस सीरीज का चेप्टर 6 है। इस चेप्टर को ध्यान से पढ़े जिसमे आपको Microsoft Office की सभी Shortcut Keys की जानकारी हिन्दी में दी जाएंगी।

MS Word Shortcut Keys

Ctrl+A = Selects all of the text in the document. 

Ctrl+B = Makes the text bold. 

Ctrl+C = Copy the text. 

Ctrl+D = Open the Font dialog box to change the formatting of characters. 

Ctrl+E = Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the page. 

Ctrl+F = To find the text. 

Ctrl+G = Move to a specific line in a document, spreadsheet, or text file. Display the GO TO dialog box. 

Ctrl+H = Replace text in a word document. 

Ctrl+I = Italics the selected text. 

Ctrl+J = Aligns the selected text or line to justify the screen. 

Ctrl+K = Inserts a hyperlink at the text cursor's current location. 

Ctrl+L = Left align a paragraph or text. 

Ctrl+M = Indents the paragraph or text. 

Ctrl+N = Create a new document. 

Ctrl+O = Open a document. 

Ctrl+P = Opens the print preview window. 

Ctrl+Q = Used to remove the paragraph's formatting. 

Ctrl+R = Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen. 

Ctrl+S = Saves the current document. 

Ctrl+T = "Hangs" a paragraph to the next tab stop. 

Ctrl+U = "underline." the text in document. 

Ctrl+V = Pastes any text, image, video, or other object into the active document. 

Ctrl+W = Close the document. 

Ctrl+X = Cuts any text, picture, or other object that is selected. 

Ctrl+Y = Redo any previously-undone action. 

Ctrl+Z = Undo any change made in the document. 
MS Word All Shortcut Keys in Hindi, Shortcut Keys, MS Office kya h,

Ctrl+1 = Apply single spacing to the paragraph. 

Ctrl+2 = Apply double spacing to the paragraph. 

Ctrl+Shift+Rightangle bracket(>) = To increase the font size of selected text. 

Ctrl+Shift+Leftangle bracket(<) = To decrease the font size of selected text. 

Ctrl+Shift+8 = To display non printing characters (but don’t press 8 from numeric keypad). 

Shift+Enter = Insert a line break. 

Ctrl+Enter = Insert a page break. 

Ctrl+Shift+K = To apply small caps formatting. 

Ctrl+=(Equal) = Apply subscript formatting. 

Ctrl+Shift+(plus)sign = Apply superscript formatting.

Ctrl+Alt+M = To insert a comment. 

Alt+Shift+D = Insert a Date field. 

Ctrl+Alt+L = Insert a Listnum field. 

Alt+Shift+P = Insert a Page field. 

Alt+Shift+T = Insert a Time field. 

Alt+W,F = Opens Full Screen Reading View. 

Ctrl+Alt+P = Opens Print Layout View. 

Ctrl+Alt+O = Opens Outline View. 

Ctrl+Alt+N = Opens Draft View. 

F1 = It displays the WORD help task pane. 

F2 = Moves the selected text or graphic and then press the enter key. 

Shift + F3 = It switches the selected text between upper case, lower case, and title case. 

F4 = It repeats the last command or action. 

F5 = It displays the Go To dialog. 

F6 = Switch between the document, task pane, status bar, and ribbon. 

F7 = It displays the Editor task pane to check spelling and grammar.

F8 = It extends the selection, i.e. one word to one sentence. 

F9 = It updates the selected fields. 

F10 = It turns Key Tips on or off. 

F11 = It moves to next field. 

F12 = It displays the Save As dialog box. 

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S = Opens the Style Gallery. 

Ctrl+Shift+N = Opens the Normal Style. 

Ctrl+Alt+1 = To Apply Heading 1 Style. 

Ctrl+Alt+2 = To Apply Heading 2 Style. 

Ctrl+Alt+3 = To Apply Heading 3 Style. 

Ctrl+Shift+C = To copy the formatting of text. 

Ctrl+Shift+V = To paste the formatting of text. 

Ctrl+Shift+M = To Create a hanging indent.

Esc = To cancel the command 

Ctrl+Alt+S = To Split the document window. 

Ctrl+Alt+S or Alt+Shift+C = To remove the document window split. 

Tab or Shift Tab = To move the focus to commands on the ribbon. 

Alt+ Left arrow or Right arrow = To move between different tabs on ribbon. 

Ctrl+F1 = To Expand and Collapse the ribbon. 

Shift+F10 = To open the context menu. 

Ctrl+ Left arrow key = To move the cursor one word left. 

Ctrl+ Right arrow = To move the cursor one word right. 

Ctrl+Alt+PageUp = Move the cursor to the top of the screen. 

Ctrl+Alt+Page Down = Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen. 

Ctrl+End = Move the cursor to the end of the document. 

Ctrl+Home = Move the cursor to the beginning of the document. 

Ctrl+Backspace = Delete one word to left direction. 

Ctrl+Delete = Delete one word to right direction. 

Alt+N,W = To insert a WordArt. 

Alt+H = To open the Home tab. 

Alt+N = To open the insert tab to insert tables, pictures and more commands in it. 

Alt+P = To open the Page Layout tab. 

Alt+R = To open the Review tab. 

Alt+W = To open the View tab. 

Alt+JT = To open the Design tab when table is drawn. 

Alt+JL = To open the Layout tab when table is drawn. 

Alt+M = To open the Mailings tab. 

Alt+S = To open the Reference tab. 

Alt+Shift+K = To preview the mail merge. 

Alt+Shift+N = To preview the merge a document. 

Alt+Shift+M = To print the merged document. 

Alt+H+FP = To use format painter tool. 

Alt+H+V = To use paste option. 

इस सीरीज का चेप्टर 6 यहीं समाप्त होता हैं। इस सीरीज का उद्देश्य आपको कंप्यूटर की जानकारी देना और कंप्यूटर में एक्सपर्ट बनाना है। हमे उम्मीद हैं कि इस सीरीज में आपको कंप्यूटर की पूरी जानकारी समझ में आ जाएगी और आप कंप्यूटर एक्सपर्ट बन जाएंगे। 

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